Last week CalOaks Auto touched on variations of the engine as minor faults begin to arise and we recommended that you ask one of our technician to diagnose and repair, this week we are going to give you some further tips on what you can do to prevent more serious faults occurring. While we are not suggesting for one minute that you undertake a full service yourself, there are some things you can do easily to help maintain your vehicle.
Spark plugs

Faulty spark plugs will prevent efficient ignition of the engine and this is no more than simple wear and tear and something easily remedied with the right tool and all you need is a socket wrench and new “sparks”. These plugs are inexpensive and will save many frustrating mornings, especially in the colder or wetter months. You can use a silicone based spray over the spark plugs that will act as temporary solution as it will to an extent seal the gap where the spark jumps but this is only a short term solution.
Tire Treads
Arguably the most important check any vehicle driver can conduct for themselves. When a tire tread depth is at 2/32″, in most states, the tire is worn out in legal terms.
So how can you check this for yourself? Surprisingly easily actually by using either a penny or a quarter. By using a penny, insert in to the tread (Lincoln’s head facing the tire). If the very top of the head is covered then you have 2/32″ and are borderline illegal. Using the same method with a quarter, If the very top of the head is covered then you have 4/32″ and are within the legal limits but you need to be aware that a change of tire is not too far away.
If in doubt about either of these aspects of self-maintenance please come and visit us and we will be more than happy to help you and keep you safe while driving.